The objective of the ANJE website is to create a website that projects modernism, robustness, simplicity and easy navigation, which can provide customers with a detailed and complete breakdown of all the news, debates, activities, seminars and training that ANJE promotes, all this with the goal that its customers can have easy access to all these resources as well as to a large membership with interesting benefits.
To achieve the objectives, we began a process of analyzing the objectives of the ANJE company as well as the requirements and needs of users when accessing news and training platforms such as those of ANJE. Then we designed an information architecture to determine the entire scope of the website and thus have a visualization of its entire landscape. This architecture was created taking into account all the needs of the company and its customers and based on this we created a design system with the respective functionalities, components, colors and typographic fonts for the website and each of its demands.
Finally, we carry out a front-end development faithfully replicating the interface and the experience proposed in the design prototypes, we use the most recent technologies and we carry out tests on the most used browsers on the market. Finally, we enabled the Content Manager (CMS) tailored to WordPress, this CMS allows the updating and optimization of the Website quickly and easily.